Sunday, July 13, 2008


I try and I try. I even try to answer questions that I don't understand with the correct answer of "¿Como?" instead of what we think of saying "¿Que?" Today I was in a store. The man working there asked me a question. I didn't understand what he was asking, so I said, "¿Como?" (granted I paused a little... but I was proud of myself for answering correctly). Then he asked "English?" I don't get it. Is it the way I walk, talk, breathe?? All I said was "Como" and there I am a foreigner. It seems like every time I try to speak Spanish to someone in a store, they always know just to start talking to me in English.

Oh well... At least I tried...

Deer in the headlights. I guess that's what I must look like. This only makes me think of how awful America is with foreigners. I can't even imagine trying to visit America.

Next to come: a full report on going to Uruguay and the past week's events.

Somewhat like David Sedaris's French in Me Talk Pretty One Day, I feel like the only word I know in Spanish is "Si." I guess that's better than "bottleneck."

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